Anthroposophic Meditation for Beginners 2

Welcome and opening go-around

What is anthroposophic meditation?
Path of knowledge
Relationship to the esoteric path
Practice of anthroposophy

1. Concentration exercise - imagine a static triangle, 5 minutes, then sharing
2. Concentration exercise - imagine a dynamic triangle, sides become larger then smaller, 5 minutes, then sharing
3. Concentration exercise - form thoughts on the candle, 5-8 minutes, then sharing


Thankfulness exercise - everyone looks at something they are grateful for and concentrates on that feeling, 5 minutes, then sharing

In the pure rays of the light - 5 minutes, then sharing
Shines the God of the world - 5 minutes, then sharing
In pure love to all beings - 5 minutes, then sharing
Shines the godliness of my soul - 5 minutes, then sharing

Guided retrospective of the session - then sharing

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